August 2010 updates...
Hi folks.
Well, in recent news, I passed my biannual flight review, which means I'm good to go for another two years. Went up with Ryan, hadn't seen him in a while, it went great.
I also took my parents up for the first time, flew them over Lucky Peak, Boise, and then out south over the practice area so they could see the Snake River canyon and Swan Falls dam. That was a lot of fun, sharing this experience and what I've learned with them. Hopefully, we can go up again, and I can take them to McCall for some pancakes.
Glass Cockpit got their Kitfox... I haven't seen it yet, but I'm itching to. Soon, I hope.
Here's a picture from their site:

Very cool, and very pretty.
We went to the Idaho Falls airshow over July 24 to see some cool planes, and the Blue Angels. Got a little sun burnt, but it was worth it. I should be able to get a couple of pictures up here soon.
Got no plans to fly immediately, but I'd like to go up and get night current. I love flying in the evening and at night in the summer.
Well, in recent news, I passed my biannual flight review, which means I'm good to go for another two years. Went up with Ryan, hadn't seen him in a while, it went great.
I also took my parents up for the first time, flew them over Lucky Peak, Boise, and then out south over the practice area so they could see the Snake River canyon and Swan Falls dam. That was a lot of fun, sharing this experience and what I've learned with them. Hopefully, we can go up again, and I can take them to McCall for some pancakes.
Glass Cockpit got their Kitfox... I haven't seen it yet, but I'm itching to. Soon, I hope.
Here's a picture from their site:

Very cool, and very pretty.
We went to the Idaho Falls airshow over July 24 to see some cool planes, and the Blue Angels. Got a little sun burnt, but it was worth it. I should be able to get a couple of pictures up here soon.
Got no plans to fly immediately, but I'd like to go up and get night current. I love flying in the evening and at night in the summer.