A flight to Winnemucca for a 99's meeting
May 10th, 2008
On Friday (May 9th), Brenda (BJ) from the 99's called me and said there was an open spot on a flight with Petra for the meeting in Winnemucca the next day. After conversing with my husband, I called Petra and took the slot.
Saturday morning I headed out to Caldwell airport to join up with Petra, and her instructor, Steve, who would be giving her somewhat of a cross country refresher course. I arrived a little early, so I sat on a street at the end of the runway watching the helicopter students practice pattern work. I had the sunroof open so I could watch them fly right over the top of the truck.
When I met up with Petra, I spent some time examining the Cherokee 180 (PA-28 180) we'd be flying in, and figuring out what the differences were between that and the Archer II (A PA-28 181). The 180 definitely has a shorter wingspan, and the wings also have the rectangular "Hershey Bar" shape. This appears to make for a shorter glide ratio, and a faster approach speed. The windows are also a bit different, and the plane seems to sit higher as well. Here's a few pictures of the preparation for takeoff, and the sectional of the area.
Here's a video of the takeoff out of Caldwell.
The route took longer than expected, there were some miscalculations, but no worries. It was still really fun to see everything from the back seat and not be the person fully engaged as the student in learning. Things started to make more sense, now that I could see them from a different angle. Some of the views were really neat, here's some pictures from the flight to Winnemucca.
We collapsed a strut on landing, so we taxied to our spot a bit crooked. I bet it looked interesting to the ladies waiting for us, watching us come in.
I got a chance to talk with Cammie about my bouncy landing I performed in front of her, and she explained some ways to keep it from happening. I need to get my speed under control, and be a little gentler on the round out for the flare.
After we arrived back at the airport, we had some fun taking pictures of each other and our planes. I also got a couple of pictures of the ladies' room in the FBO, all of the walls were together one big mural. I took them with my phone as I didn't bring my camera in with me. I'll get them up here when I get some time, they are pretty neat!
Pat Jenkins has a gorgeous Cessna 185. Talk about a dream plane! I'd love to own a tail dragger.
Some more photos I took on the way back...
It was a fun trip. Thanks for the ride, Petra! I really appreciate it.
I have a night cross country that I did on the 15th to write about, it's coming soon. No pictures, though.