The Phone Book Saga
...Is try to make a few extra bucks delivering phone books.
I am STILL sore from this last weekend.
My route consisted of ~640 drops. ~1401 phone books. (One Boise phone book and one Treasure Valley book per drop, some businesses got more.)
I'm an eternal optimist for the most part, so this didn't seem that bad to me. It sounded to me like the hardest thing was going to be bagging them. Nathan warned me, but I guess I didn't listen. I didn't think about how hard delivery was going to be.
Two loads in the Dodge, one Thursday, one Friday to pick up the book bundles.
Bagging all evening Friday.
Delivering took us from 10-5 on Saturday, and then again from 9-3 on Sunday.
I think it worked out that after gas, time, and having to divvy it up between three people, it came to roughly... ~$1 an hour per person. Yikes. Mingle that with the pain, and the effort of all the walking, yes, it's coming out NEGATIVE. I can't fathom how one person could manage. It was hard enough for Nathan, Ariel, and I.
I also found out that the only gas reimbursement I'll be receiving for my particular chosen route was... :drumroll: ...2 cents per drop. ~650 drops x .02 = ~$13. That doesn't cover half of what the cost of gas was.
Well, it's a lesson learned, and at least I can now say that I now have the experience of knowing what it's like to be that person delivering those phone books to my door.
So if you're looking to make some extra bucks, and you see that ad from Dex, don't go there.